Tutu Seminars
A whirlwind few months over the Summer. Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Nottingham in the United Kingdom.
How amazing to be involved in these Tutu seminars run by Suzanne. Such wonderful people and coming from all over the world. To learn and be among fellow Tutu makers talking about Nets and methods and new ways of doing things. Amazing teachers with so much knowledge to share.
Just a privilege to be able to talk to others who share the same excitement over fabrics and dance, and know that their eyes aren’t going to glaze over after 5 minutes.
The heat in Las Vegas coupled with Jet lag were not conducive to the long days, but the enthusiasm of everyone was catching.
10 hour workdays did eventually lead to some strain as everyone tried to keep up with the pressured demands of finishing projects on time.
But amazing friends made and knowledge shared, I just would have liked time to enjoy the city and the nightlife!!!
Some extremely talented ladies in Las Vegas made some gorgeous Tutus and hopefully I can get some photos soon. Here is one example of a lovely Tutu made by one clever lady in shades of green. This was dyed specially to match the lace overlay.
A froth of pinks in the making, lovely combinations.
The Stretch Tutu class was run by Dani and some very pretty Tutus were made in short spaces of time.
Here is one Dani made in Rich Burgundy,blues and golds.
A few days rest after the Seminar and managed to catch up with a lovely lady from Canada and relax.
Then it was off to Los Angeles for a Seminar held in the Los Angeles Ballet premises. Everyone was very helpful and excited and we were all taken around the Garment district to drool over the fabrics and trims available. I could have stayed there all day but luckily!!! I had left my money in my hotel so could not indulge. Suzanne very kindly helped out so at least I got to purchase some lovely stuff.
Again amazing Ladies attending this Seminar and lots of talent to be seen. Here is a labour of love again as an enthusiastic Mom made this Pink Tutu for her daughter.
I could not stay for the whole Seminar unfortunately but it was so lovely to meet everyone and see their hard work paying off.
Suzanne at this stage was quite tired after 2 Seminars in a row and drove back to Las Vegas to prepare for the United Kingdom Seminar to be held in October.
I got to see my daughter in Belize, Mexico for a few days of lovely sun and chill time. Then it was back to Seattle and Canada for a few weeks.
Amazing country Canada, and really friendly people.
Finally got back home to try catch up on work missed and orders waiting to be filled before preparing for the Nottingham Seminar.
United Kingdom Tutu Seminar—
The Seminar in England was held in Nottingham at Coles sewing centre. The owners could not have been more helpful and provided coffee and biscuits all day which were a blessing as we all appreciated the boost they gave.
Such a bunch of amazing ladies attending and its a pity there wasn’t time to get to know each other more. Intense sewing days again and a wealth of knowledge in the room, then to see everyone’s work coming together was so exciting.
I got to meet some of my customers who I had only dealt with on the phone and it was quite a puzzle to try to put the Sewing Forum ladies names together with their ‘real’ names.
I think most people went home with ‘almost’ finished Tutus and hopefully as they are truly finished I will get to post some photos of everyones creations.
Here is one beautiful Turquoise and white Tutu a Mom made for her daughter.
Thank you to all those involved for making it so memorable, and to Suzanne and Meri for organizing.