A Jacquard Reversible Fabric in swirls – FA O415

£7.00£26.90 Price includes VAT per m

Cannot get more of this fabric–Lilac pieces-45 cm and 30 cm

Product Price


DSCN0645 (800x800)

Showing the reverse side of the Jacquard


DSCN0654 (800x718)

Lilac Jacquard fabric correct side

Good quality Jacquard Brocade fabric which is reversible.

A strongly woven medium weight fabric with the swirl in the high sheen thread.

Pale Ivory Reversible FAO415

Width is approximately 112 cm

Lilac, Pale Pink/Peach, Pale Ivory (Silk White)

If unsure please order a sample.

Limited quantity in stock.

Made in Japan

Additional information

Weight 0.150 kg

PIECE 45cm Lilac swirls FA 0415, PIECE 30cm Lilac swirls FA 0415, Pale Peach/Ballet Pink swirls FA 0415, Pale Ivory swirls FA 0451