Instructions with Pattern – Classical Tutu Bodice

£32.00 Price includes VAT

Pattern and Instructions

Changing to Flat Bindings


5.2.2013 valorose products tutu pattern bodice adult 001

We are changing the spiral bindings on some of the books as we find the flatter binding easier to mail and causes less damage in transit.

Any queries on this please email me. A photo will go up soon.

#2102 Classical Tutu Bodice – (Adults) and Instructions

  • 8-10 piece Classical Tutu Bodice Pattern
  • Over 15 pages Instructions with diagrams
  • Printed on A4 paper 100 gsm
  • Flat binding
  • Laminated front cover to protect contents
  • Students # 3102 pattern follows basic Instructions
  • Price £32.00

Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg
Pattern Size

Adults A, Adults B, Adults C, Students 6 years, Students 8 years, Students 10 years