Headpiece Base Forms and Decorated Forms

£8.00£15.00 Price includes VAT

Leave a note -Adult or Child size


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Left to right—–Silver and White, Gold Applique front, Old Gold, Gold and Silver .

Simple budget headpieces which are really quick to run up and with a bit of imagination can look suitable for any part.

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Headpiece Old Gold and Brown horsehair £13.00

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Gold and Silver Headpiece Form £15.00

These are available to buy as the base with either brown or clear (White) horsehair on. This allows for clipping onto the hair.

You can attach trims etc to make a cost effective headpiece.

Please leave a note when ordering regards Clear or Brown Horsehair required.

Adult size or child size–if a very young child size is required please let me know.

Mostly Child sizes are in stock but any might need ordering depending on available stock.

There might be a delay according to workloads so please enquire if you are unsure.

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Silver and White Headpiece £15.00

The base of the headpiece form is £8.00 and when decorated vary from


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Showing the Headpiece Form before decorating

£10.00 and up depending on Crystals and trim used.

Additional information

Weight 0.100 kg

Old Gold, Gold and Silver, Gold applique front, Silver and White, Basic Headpiece Form-Undecorated Brown horsehair, Basic Headpiece Form-Undecorated White horsehair