Millinery Petersham Tape 25mm

£0.95 Price includes VAT per m

Product Price


DSCN6086 (640x430)

Close up showing detail of Tape


Left to right–Pale Blue, Lilac/Lavender, Silk White, Nude, Pale Pink, Pale Ivory

The proper Millinery Petersham tape with the ridges on the edges. Lightweight.

This allows you to curve it when Ironing to fit the waistline on the basque of the Tutu skirt.

Some people double it up for strength but it can be used singly—Not as strong as the Polyester Petersham tape.

Made from a Rayon and Viscose mix and is 25 mm wide or 1″.

Stock colours are Silk White, Ivory, Nude, Pale Blue, Lilac/Lavender

Other colours coming in soon.

This Petersham tape is soft on the skin and mostly used on younger students.

There are other uses for this Petersham tape as it is manufactured for Millinery use.

Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg

Silk White, Nude, Lilac/Lavender, Pale Blue