John James Beading needles

£1.79£2.30 Price includes VAT

6 Beading needles in a Bag or Tin


DSCN2398 (640x480) (2)

size 12 Beading needle by John James

Very fine long needles made from thin steel wire

Long eyes for easier threading

Used for beading small seed beads and other delicate beadsDSCN2955 (640x502) (2)

Sold in packs of 6 in folded paper in a bag or tin with sliding lid


Two sizes 10 and 12

Size 10  -55 mm length (eye larger than size 12 eye)

Size 12  -50 mm  length

Price for 6   —£1.99

Additional information

Weight 0.04 kg

size 12 – 6 in a bag, size 12—6 in a tin