Braid Elastic

£0.30£0.64 Price includes VAT

Sold per metre

NEW- Extra strong 9 mm wide 12 cord white elastic

Please note the 5mm elastic is not suitable for tutu panty’s.

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DSCN0764 (640x480)

1/4″ Braid elastic

A flat general all-purpose braided elastic

70% Polyester and 30% rubber

It narrows when stretched–about 2  1/2 times ( different sizes stretch slightly different amounts)

Used mainly in casings and not meant for sewing through

NEW–There is now an Extra strong 9 mm wide White elastic ( 8 cord)–This is made in the UK and is a denser elastic for when more strength is needed.

Sizes stocked– White (Not bleached white) –5mm wide ( 6 cord ), 1/4″ (6-7mm), 3/8″ (9-10 mm), 1/2″ (12-13 mm)

Sold per metre -If ordering more than one  metre  it will come in one continuous piece

Price per metre 6 cord ( 5 mm) – £0.30 — White and Black–quite narrow–check if suitable for your use.

Price per metre 8 cord (1/4″or 6-7 mm) – £0.35

Price per metre 12 cord standard 9mm wide £0.35

Price per metre 12 cord ( 9 mm) – Extra strong White – £0.64

Price per metre 3/8″ (10mm) – £0.35

Price per  metre 16 cord (1/2″ or 13 mm) – £0.40

Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg

5 mm White braid elastic 6 cord, 5 mm Black braid elastic 6 cord, 6-7mm White cord elastic 8 cord, 16 cord white braid elastic- Half inch wide-13 mm, Extra strong White 12 cord – 9 mm braid elastic, 12 cord White braid elastic 9mm