#3 Hooks and Bars or Eyes

£1.85£7.80 Price includes VAT




Available in Silver and Black.

Hooks and Bars in a small Sliding lid Tin 60 mm x 34 mm x 11 mm.

Nickle plated Brass and rust protected.

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Black #3 size 12 mm x 9 mm

3 bars on hook (includes safety hook)

Silver Hooks 12 mm x 9 mm

Weight – 30 gram

Black hooks 12 mm x 9 mm

Bars 13 mm x 3.5 mm

Eyes Silver or Black.

25 Pairs in a Plastic Bag or Tin.

The Tin is either a sliding lid type or a rectangular shape depending on stock.

The Tins are made in the U.K. and are made from tin, not stainless steel.

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Silver Eyes # 3

Choice of Silver Hooks and Bars or Hooks and Eyes.

#3 Silver Eyes sold separately in other listing.

Additional information

Weight 0.015 kg

25 pairs Silver Hooks and BARS in a Bag, 50 pairs Silver Hooks and Bars in a bag, 50 pairs Black Hooks and Bars in a bag, 25 pairs Silver Hooks and BARS in a tin, 25 pairs Black Hooks and BARS in a Bag, 25 pairs Black Hooks and BARS in a Tin, 25 Pairs Silver Hooks and EYES in a Bag, 25 pairs Silver Hooks and EYES in a Tin, BARS – 25 in a bag – Silver, BARS – 25 in a bag – Black, 25 pairs Black Hooks and EYES in a bag, 25 pairs Black Hooks and EYES in a Tin, 100 BARS Black in a bag, 100 BARS Silver in a bag