FJ2 Metallic Gold and Off White Applique Pairs

£5.76£9.86 Price includes VAT




DSCN6813 (640x380)

Pale Gold Metallic embroidered Applique Pair


These are in a Gold (Darker)  Metallic embroidery thread.


Gold pair detail

Free embroidery–no base mesh.

Measuring approximately 20 cm x 10 cm each piece.

The Pale Gold pair is slightly smaller than the Gold

The Metallic thread is dense and has a lovely sheen.

Unusual colours in the subtle silver and pale gold.

The Pale Gold is a fine Metallic yarn and delicate because of the thread used.

Treat with care.



FJ2 in an Off White -softer embroidery thread

Also available in Rayon embroidery thread in an off White



Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg

FJ2 GOLD pair, FJ2 Off White softer Pair