Filigree Budget Trim in Silver X291 and Gold X510

£0.99 Price includes VAT per m

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Dark bronzey gold

The Dark Gold version is quite a dark bronze colour.

A narrow 2 cm corded trim also in metallic silver

DSCN8097 (640x431)

The Silver cord trim close up

This trim has a filigree effect making it appear delicate and light.

Good for extra embellishment of your Tutu or as a simple trim on its own.

There is a ribbon of metallic foil running through the braid which is easily removed

or left as it is for an extra sparkle.

The foil tends to glisten like sequins under the lights.

The ends can fray so tape them off or sew over them for extra security.

Sold by the metre.

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Silver Filigree trim with foil, Dark Gold Bronze trim with Foil